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Joan Crawford: Uma Homenagem

(Joan Crawford: A Tribute)

by Walter Machado

Walter Machado (1917 - 2012) was a Brazilian architect, author, artist, and cinephile.

His life-long devotion to Joan Crawford culminated in this 747-page opus, published in Brazil in the Portuguese language in 1993 (Formato Artes Graficas publishers).

The 2nd edition of the book (1994), shown below this box, is soft-cover and has glossy pages and hundreds of photos, including some of the author's personal drawings of the star he so admired.


(Thank you to Walter Machado's son, Ricardo P. Machado, Ph.D., and family for sending me a copy of the book and sharing photos of their patriarch.)


Above:  Walter Machado in 1941 (graduation photo from architecture school), and in 2005 (being honored by Brazil's Academy of Letters).

(Photos courtesy of his son, Ricardo P. Machado.)






The Best of Everything