The Best of Everything

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Joan Crawford Images: 1926


The Boob     •     Tramp, Tramp, Tramp     •     Paris

Misc. 1926 Images:   By Ruth Harriet Louise      By Other



Move your pointer over a picture for more information. Click on a thumbnail to see full image.


Film Images

(Click on a title for more info on the film, including credits, reviews, posters, etc.)


The Boob

Publicity with 'Joan Arden,' Gertrude Olmstead, and dancers.    1926. Film still from 'The Boob.'    1926. 'The Boob.'    'The Boob,' 1926, with Antonio D'Algy.    1926. Two screen shots from 'The Boob.'

1926. 'The Boob.' Two screen shots with George K. Arthur.    1926. 'The Boob.' With George K. Arthur.


1926. 'The Boob.'    1926. 'The Boob.'    1926. 'The Boob.' Two screen shots with George K. Arthur.    1926, 'The Boob,' with George K. Arthur.


1926 publicity for 'The Boob.'    1926 publicity for 'The Boob.'    1926. Publicity for 'The Boob.'    1926. 'The Boob' publicity.    1926. 'The Boob' publicity.


1926 publicity for 'The Boob.'    1926 publicity for 'The Boob.'    1926 publicity for 'The Boob.' Includes press caption describing outfit.




Tramp, Tramp, Tramp

1926. Publicity for 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.'    1926. Publicity for 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.'

Screen shot from 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.'    1926, 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.' Harry admires Betty (Joan) on a billboard.    1926. Two screen shots with Harry Langdon.    Two screen shots from 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp' with Harry Langdon.    1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.' With Harry Langdon.


Harry Langdon and his Betty (Joan) pin-up.    1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp,' with Harry Langdon.    1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.' With Harry Langdon.


1926, 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp,' with Harry Langdon.    With Harry Langdon.    1926. With Harry Langdon (center).


1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp' screen shot.    1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp' screen shot.    Screen shot from 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.'    1926. Screen shot from 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.'    1926. 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.' With Harry Langdon.






1926. On the set of 'Paris' with co-star Charles Ray, director Edmund Goulding, and NYC producer Morris Gest. (Includes press caption.)    1926. On the set of 'Paris.'    1926, 'Paris,' with real-life Parisian prostitutes.    1926. Joan on the set of 'Paris,' with real-life 'grisettes.'    1926. 'Paris.'


1926. A publicity shot for 'Paris.'    1926. Publicity for 'Paris.'    1926. Publicity for 'Paris.' (Includes press caption.)    1926 MGM publicity for 'Paris.'  Includes press caption.


1926. A film still from 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.'


1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.    With Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray and Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray and Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris' film still with Douglas Gilmore.


1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.    With Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris' film still.    1926, 'Paris,' with Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris.' Includes press blurb and Joan's signature from back of photo.    1926, 'Paris,' with Douglas Gilmore in an 'Apache Den.'


1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris,' with Douglas Gilmore.


1926. 'Paris,' with Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.'    1926. With Charles Ray in 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.


1926, 'Paris,' with Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.' With Douglas Gilmore.    1926. 'Paris.'


With Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.    'Paris,' with Charles Ray.    1926. 'Paris' with Charles Ray.


1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.    With Charles Ray.


1926. 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray. (Includes press blurb.)    1926. 'Paris.' With Charles Ray.


1926. 'Paris.'    1926. 'Paris,' with Charles Ray.




Misc. 1926 Images


By Ruth Harriet Louise


Circa 1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.


From an August 1926 'Redbook' magazine. By Ruth Harriet Louise.    August 1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.


1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.


1926, by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.


Joan as 'Ophelia.' 1926 by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Joan as 'Ophelia.' By Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 by Ruth Harriet Louise. Page from March '27 'Pep' magazine.    Circa 1926, by unknown photographer, possibly Ruth Harriet Louise. Appeared in the April 1927 issue of 'Photoplay.'


1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, by Ruth Harriet Louise. (Includes info from back of photo.)


1926, shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 shot by Ruth Harriet Louise. Mark-up for 'Art Lover's' magazine.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Starlet Joan on the shoulders of Karl Dane on the MGM lot.


1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. By Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise. (Two versions.)

1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. By Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise. (Thanks to Ann-Marie.)    1926 publicity shot. By Ruth Harriet Louise.

1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.


1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926. Shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926, shot by Ruth Harriet Louise.


1926 publicity by Ruth Harriet Louise.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.



By Other or Unknown Photographers

Who are these people with Joan??    c. 1926. With her mother, Anna Bell Johnson LeSueur.

1926 publicity by Fred Hartsook.    1926. By Fred Hartsook.    1926 by Fred Hartsook.    1926 publicity by Fred Hartsook.    1926 publicity by Fred Hartsook.


1926 publicity by Fred Hartsook.    1926. Publicity by Fred Hartsook.    1926 by Fred Hartsook.    1926 by Fred Hartsook. Autographed to Dorothy Sebastian.


1926.    1926 publicity. (Includes press slug.)


1926 publicity.    1926, by Clarence Bull.    1926 publicity by Clarence Sinclair Bull.    1926 by Clarence Bull.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.


1926. Joan with her brother Hal LeSueur.    1926 with Kathleen Key and Sally O'Neil.    1926, with her Belgian police dog.    Probably 1926.


1926 WAMPAS Baby Stars. (This pic from 1939 'Look' mag.)    February 1926. With her fellow WAMPAS 'Baby Stars.' From the LA Times.    February 1926. Joan with her fellow WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1926.


 Joan, a WAMPAS Baby Star of 1926.    WAMPAS Baby Stars, 1926. Photo and legible article from 'Paris and Hollywood' magazine.    Joan (lower left) one of 13 WAMPAS Stars of 1926. Top: Mary Astor, Dolores Costello, Fay Wray, Marcelline Day, Mary Brian. Middle: Janet Gaynor, Sally O'Neil, Vera Reynolds, Edna Marion. Bottom: Joan, Dolores Del Rio, Joyce Compton, Sally Long.    WAMPAS Baby Stars, 1926. Joan at far right.    WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1926. (Joan at far right.)


1926 MGM publicity.    1926 MGM publicity.    1926 MGM publicity.    1926 MGM publicity.


1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity at home.    1926, shot at home.


Late 1926, with dance trophies. Includes press caption.    1926 dance-contest trophies.    1926. Surrounded by dance trophies won at local Hollywood clubs.

A 1927 issue of 'Screen Secrets' featuring the 'Savannah Stomp.' (Also known as the 'Black Bottom.')    10 shots of Joan dancing the Black Bottom, from the March 1927 'Motion Picture' magazine.

1926. Dancing the 'Black Bottom.'    1926. Dancing the Black Bottom.    1926. Dancing the 'Black Bottom.'    Dancing the 'Black Bottom,' circa 1926.    1926. Dancing the 'Black Bottom.'


1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.


1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 MGM publicity.


October 1926. MGM publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.


1926 publicity.    1926 by Clarence Sinclair Bull.    1926.    Probably 1926.    1926 publicity.


1926 publicity.    1926. MGM fashion publicity.    1926. With shoe designer Salvatore Ferragamo.    1926 in Hollywood with Salvatore Ferragamo.


1926 publicity. (Thanks to Shane.)    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.


1926. MGM publicity.    1926. MGM publicity.    1926. MGM publicity. Shot by Don Gillum.    1926. MGM publicity. Shot by Don Gillum.    July 26, 1926. With Ernest Gillen.


1926 MGM publicity.    Joan with boyfriend Mike Cudahy, 1926.    1926. MGM publicity. Shot by Don Gillum.    1926. MGM publicity. Shot by Don Gillum. Includes press caption.    1926. MGM publicity shot by Don Gillum (includes original photo plus a doctored photo with press caption).


1926. MGM publicity shot by Bull.    1926. Dancing the Charleston on a block of ice at the MGM pool.     1926 publicity.


1926 MGM publicity.    1926. MGM publicity.    1926 MGM publicity with cousin Betty Jean.    1926. MGM publicity.


1926 publicity.    1926 publicity in the Calgary 'Eye-Opener.'    1926 publicity.     1926 publicity.    1926. MGM Halloween collage.


1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity.    1926 publicity. (Thanks to Shane.)    1926 publicity.


 1926 publicity.



The Best of Everything

Images 1925    •    Images 1926    •    Images 1927