The Best of Everything

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Joan Crawford Letters:



1926    1927    1928    1929


Joan on the MGM lot in 1928 with her mail.



June 14, 1926, to Dan Mahony

Note:  Addressed to "Mr Daniel Mahony / 2452 Sunset Ave / Dayton / Ohio" with post office correction indicating it was forwarded to "2715 Webb Ave. / Bronx / New York City."


Re text: The photo of the second page of the letter is too small to read; here is the full text of whole letter:


Dear Mr. Mahony,


I just found out, a picture I made over a year ago called "Ill Tell the World" Has been released under-- "The Boob." Im so sorry I made such a dreadful mistake. Will you forgive me?


You dont need to tell me it was a terrible picture. How well I know. I wouldnt even go to see the preview.


Im so glad you enjoyed "Paris" I tried so hard to make it a good picture and when people are as lovely to me as you are to write such lovely letters and congratulate me on my work Im terribly happy.


It is so sweet of you to compare me with a lovely flower and speak of my work as you do. I only hope you shall always think as you do now. Especially after meeting me, if ever we do.


Thanking you very sincerely from the bottom of my heart, for the interest you have shown.


Shall send you a photograph very soon.  


Joan Crawford.








September 1927 to Dan Mahony


October 1927 to Dan Mahony




November 1927 to Dan Mahony




January 1928 to Dan Mahony

[From the collection of Robert Leininger.]


January 28, 1928, to Dan Mahony


February 11, 1928, to Dan Mahony


March 1928 to Dan Mahony

March 1928 to Dan Mahony. Page 1.

  March 1928 to Dan Mahony. Page 2.


April 1928 to Dan Mahony



April 1928 to Dan Mahony


May 1928 to Dan Mahony

[p. 2 of 3 is missing]

[missing page 2]



May 19, 1928, to LA columnist Jimmy Starr


June 1928 to Dan Mahony



July 1928 to Dan Mahony


July 1928 to Dan Mahony


September 1928 to Dan Mahony



September 1928 to Dan Mahony


November 22, 1928, to Dan Mahony

[Note:  Two pages shown below; full text, including missing pages, reproduced in text below from eBay listing.]


Dear Tired Dan,


You see I did have cause for worry when you were ill and you begged me not to. And I count you as my bestest, truest most devout friend Dan, and I've been so neglectful lately (or so it seems). No wonder you give up hopes of ever hearing from me. Ah I'm am truly ashamed Dan, but you above all people know when you work hard all day long..[missing text] my family just arrived out here two one week and Mother two weeks later, that's been quite a burden also. Getting a place for them to live. Getting my brother and his wife jobs, and thousands of exhibitors out here having lunch, reporters from the four corners of the earth interviewing you, Mother's Birthday this week, Thanksgiving next, starting Christmas shopping, more law suits, Signing new contracts, still getting my house furnished. And worst of all the talking pictures. On my Sundays off I sew all day at Pickfair until Dodo,Uncle Doug - and Mary go mad when they see a meedle needle & a spool of thread...Poor Blessed Dodo hasn't had much attention lately but as long as he knows I love him, I hope he understands.... [missing text] about your health. Do keep me more closely informed as to your health, dear, wont you? May I hear from you soon -- Please??? As ever  Joan.


P.S. Dan, Joan's friends are dear to her, she speaks of you incessantly and if you don't mind will you be my friend and allow me the honour and pleasure of yours being yours? In anticipation. "Doug" Fairbanks Jr.






December 1928 to Dan Mahony 





1929 to Dan Mahony



Unknown year to Dan Mahony

[Note: This stationery was used by Joan in 1931 and 1932. I've placed it here in the "1920s Letters" section as a melancholy coda to the Mahony correspondence.]




Letters 1920s       Letters 1930 to 1934