The Best of Everything
Joan Crawford Magazines: G Gazeta
Noastra • Gente
• The
Gentlewoman • Girls' Cinema • Globe
• Golden
Screen •
H Hamburger Illustrierte • Harper's
Bazaar •
Hebdo/ Hebdo
Roman • Hela
Varlden •
Hele Verden • Het
I I Magnifici Di Hollywood
• Idolos
Del Cine
• Ilustrado
• Illustrated
• Illustrated Sporting and
Dramatic News •
Below: Click on highlighted article titles to read the transcript of the article. |
(Romania) |
Gente (Italy) 1985. 7-page supplement. |
Girls' Cinema (UK) March 12, 1927. |
Girls' Cinema (UK) Sept. 12, 1931. No. 569. Vol. 22. |
Golden Screen (US) October 1930s (exact year unknown) Cover illustration by Vargas. |
Golondrina (Spain) 1936. No. 47. 12 pgs. |
Grit June 10, 1932 |
Illustrierte December 1, 1928. No. 48. Featuring 'Johanna Crawford.' |
Hebdo (Belgium) Friday, June 10, 1932. No. 27. |
Hebdo (Belgium) Nov. 22, 1935. No. 137. |
Hebdo (Belgium) July 23, 1937. No. 294. |
Hebdo (Belgium) August 1947 |
Hebdo Roman (Belgium) March
1960. "Sudden Fear" |
Hela Varlden (Sweden) 1933. No. 10. Click to see larger cover. |
Hela Varlden (Sweden) 1944. No. 27. |
Hele Verden (unknown) March 19, 1933. |
Het Noorden (Holland) Nov. 2, 1946. No. 9. |
Hollywood (US) January 1930. 32 pages. |
Hollywood (US) January 1932. |
Hollywood (US) Sept. 1936. |
Hollywood (US) April 1940. "Joan Crawford's 'Houseguest.'" (feature re Joan's niece Joanie LeSueur)
Other known issues of Hollywood featuring Joan:
Jan. 1931 March 1933 Nov. 1933. Vol. XXII, No. 11 July 1934. "I Don't Want to Marry." Aug. 1935. "What Is Joan Crawford Really Like?" March 1937. "Last of Mrs. Cheyney." Nov. 1937. Joan and Robert Montgomery. Feb. 1938. "It's Undeclared War.' Sept. 1939. "Hollywood Wrecked My Marriages." Jan. 1941. "An Open Letter to Ed Sullivan from Joan Crawford" June 1941. "Joan Crawford's Most Daring Role."
Hollywood (Italy) August 9, 1947. #32. 16 pgs. |
Hollywood (Italy) November 29, 1947. #48. 16 pgs. |
Hollywood (Italy) February 9, 1949. #178. 16 pgs. |
Hollywood (Italy) April 9, 1949. 16 pgs. |
Hollywood (Italy) October 14, 1950. #265. |
Hollywood Filmograph (US) June 15, 1929. Vol. 9, No. 24. |
Hollywood Mirror (US) June 1934. Vol 1, No. 1. |
Hollywood Reporter (US) March 8, 1946. 45 pages. Joan's Oscar win. |
Hollwood Reporter (US) June 24, 1977. Tribute issue. |
Hollywood Revue (US) May 1931. |
Hollywood Star (US) July 2, 1932. |
Hollywood Studio Magazine (US) August 1977. Collection of photos, plus article on "Crawford Fan -- His home a museum."
Hollywood Studio Magazine (US) July 1987. Vol. 20, No. 7. ---------------------------------
known issues of Hollywood
Studio Magazine
December 1971. Vol. 6, No. 8. "The Crawford Style." August 1983. "The Lovely Side of Crawford!" August and Sept. 1992. By Carl Johnes. "Why Joan Crawford won't go away"
Hollywood (Unvarnished) (St. Louis Globe-Democrat) Sunday supplement Sept. 30, 1934. Click here to see larger version. |
Hollywood Vagabond (US) May 12, 1927. Vol. I, No. 14. "Little Girl in a Big City." |
I Magnifi Di Hollywood (Italy) 1982. |
Idolos Del Cine 1958. |
Ilustrado (Mexico) July 28, 1932. |
Ilustrado (Mexico) August 18, 1932. |
Ilustrado (Mexico) Feb. 9, 1933. |
Ilustrado (Mexico) Jan. 21, 1937. 16 pgs. |
Ilustrado (Mexico) April 29, 1937. |
Illustrated (UK) March 12, 1955. "The Story I Have Never Told." Part 1 of multi-part biographical series. |
Imagem (Portugal) 1931. No. 23. |
Imagem (Portugal) 1932. No. 51. |
Imagem (Portugal) 1933. No. 79. |
Imagene Sept. 1947. |
Imatges Nov. 12, 1930. 28 pgs. |
Inspektor Kennedy (Germany) 1970. No. 235. Trog scene on cover. |
International Photographer August 1944. |
Invicta Cine (Portugal) 1932. Ano X, No. 178. |
Io Vivo La Mia Vita 1936. I Live My Life feature. |
Click on any underlined article to read.
"G" magazines with articles only or no cover photo yet available:
September 1930. Vol. 59, No. 9. Article: "The Other Man's Wife," with photo of Joan and Johnny Mack Brown. August 1935. November 1936. Globe (July 2005) "The Real Joan Crawford." Two-page interview with Joan's grandson Casey LaLonde. Includes photos. Good Housekeeping (July 1962) Head only on cover: "From the Coming Big Book: Joan Crawford Tells Her Own Amazing Life Story." Article includes photos. Grafic (June 4, 1950) Chicago Sunday Tribune weekend magazine. Article: "Joan of Arts."
"H" magazines with articles only or no cover photo yet available:
Harper's Bazaar (November 1940) Article with full page photo: "Which Fur Are You?" (Joan is "leopard.") Hollywood Family Album (July - September 1951) Vol. 1, No. 6. Hollywood
Life Stories (Annual) (1953)
Cover head re Joan: "The Secret Chapter in Her Life." Hollywood Love Life Annual (1955) Vol. 1, No. 1. Hollywood Movie Novels (August 1933) Article: "The Untold Story of Joan Crawford's Past." Vol. 22, No. 8. Hollywood Screen Parade (September 1960)
Inside Story (June 1955) "Why Joan Crawford Lost Seven Lovers" In Touch (September 1977) Two-page farewell tribute: "Goodbye, Joan." Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (UK): August 18, 1928. One-page colorized publicity photo for The Unknown. September 14, 1929. One-page feature (3 photos) of Joan on CA beach.