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Joan Crawford Images: 1955


 Female on the Beach     •     Queen Bee          Misc. 1955 Images



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Film Images

(Click on a title for more info on the film, including credits, reviews, posters, etc.)


Female on the Beach


1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with secretaries.    12/31/54. Two photos on the 'Female on the Beach' set with James Stewart and his father. (The older woman is unknown.)    With novelist Christopher Isherwood on the set.    On the set with a visitor from Brazil.


1955. Publicity on the set of 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.'


January 13, 1955. The twins celebrate their 8th birthday on the 'Female on the Beach' set.    January 13, 1955. Two shots of The Twins' birthday on the set.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Christopher and The Twins.    1955. On the 'Female' set with Chris and twins.    1955. On the 'Female' set with Chris, twins, and poodles.


1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. On the set of 'Female,' with pets.    1955. On the 'Female on the Beach' set with poodles.    1955. With poodles on the 'Female' set.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Tony Curtis.

1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Chandler and Cliquot. Includes press caption.    On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler and Cliquot.    On the set of 'Female,' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. On the set of 'Female' with director Joseph Pevney and Jeff Chandler.

9 wardrobe and makeup test shots from 'Female on the Beach.' (Thanks to Shane for all.)    1 big and 6 small wardrobe test shots from 'Female on the Beach.' (Thanks to Shane for the small ones.)    1955. A wardrobe test for 'Female on the Beach.'

1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.' With director Joseph Pevney.    On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with director Joseph Pevney, left.


With cinematographer Charles Lang (white cap) on the set.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' On the set with director Pevney and crew.    1955. Filming 'Female on the Beach.' (Includes press caption.)    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.' (Includes press caption.)


1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity. With Jeff Chandler.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler and crew.    1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler and crew.


1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.


1955. Publicity with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    With Jeff Chandler. (Thanks to Shane.)    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.


1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jan Sterling.    With Jan Sterling.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jan Sterling.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.' Two screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Charles Drake.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jan Sterling.    With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.' Two screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' Two screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler. (Thanks to Stephen.)    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler and unknown.    With Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.' A screen shot and a film still.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.


With Jan Sterling.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler, Natalie Schafer, Ed Fury, and Cecil Kellaway.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler and unknown in background.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler, Natalie Schafer, and Cecil Kellaway.    Screen shot with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' Two screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.     1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    With Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' film still.

1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' Includes press caption describing outfit.    1955. Screen shots from 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.

1955. 'Female on the Beach' collage.    1955. Female on the Beach. Film still and screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.

1955. 'Female' film still.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler. Two screen shots.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' with Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.

1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    'Female on the Beach' film still.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jan Sterling.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.' With Jeff Chandler.    1955. Jeff Chandler gets whacked. Again.

1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' screen shot.    1955. 'Female on the Beach.'

1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach.'


1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    Publicity for 'Female.'    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. 'Female' publicity.

1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.


1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955 'Female' publicity.


1955. On the set of 'Female on the Beach.' (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    1955. On the set of 'Female.' (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    1955 'Female' publicity. Joan does her best Gina Lollobrigida.    1955. Two publicity shots for  'Female on the Beach.' One with Cliquot.


1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'


1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'    1955. 'Female on the Beach' publicity.    1955. Publicity for 'Female on the Beach.'



Queen Bee


Screen shot of trailer for 'Queen Bee.'

May 2, 1955. Exhibiting jewels worn in 'Queen Bee.'    May 2, 1955. Viewing the 'Queen Bee' jewels, with famed clothing designer Jean Louis. Joan was so impressed with Louis' gowns for the film that she purchased the wardrobe for her personal use.    On the 'Queen Bee' set.    5/16/55. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with governor of California's daughter. Includes press slug.    1955. On the 'Queen Bee' set, with Dick Powell.    March 1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with Scenic and Title Artists Local union members. Behind her is her 1931 portrait by Erik Guide Haupt.

May 6, 1955. On the 'Queen Bee' set with twins and Chris. Includes printer's markup.    1955. On the 'Queen Bee' set with Christopher and The Twins.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with Christopher and The Twins.    May 6, 1955. On the 'Queen Bee' set with Chris and twins.

Joan's birthday on the set of 'Queen Bee' with producer Jerry Wald, Lucy Marlow, and William Leslie. Includes press caption.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with William Leslie, left, and director MacDougall.    1955. Birthday on the set of 'Queen Bee' with director MacDougall.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with birthday cake and flowers.


1955. Wardrobe shot for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Wardrobe test on the set of 'Queen Bee.'    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with director Ranald MacDougall and dialogue director Norman Stewart.    1955. With a gaffer on the set of 'Queen Bee.' (Thanks to Vincent.)    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee.' (Thanks to Vincent.)

1955. 'Queen Bee.' Conferring with director MacDougall.    On the set of 'Queen Bee' with Barry Sullivan and crew.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with Lucy Marlow and Betsy Palmer.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with Lucy Marlow.    1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee.'

 1955. On the set of 'Queen Bee' with bunny. Includes press caption. (Shot by Kornmann.)    1955. On the QB set with bunny. Shot by Kornmann.

1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity shot.


1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee' shot by Coburn. Includes press caption.    1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Color and b/w photos.    1955. Columbia publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Shot by Bob Coburn.


1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. 'Queen Bee.' (Thanks to Gustavo.)    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity.


1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.' With Barry Sullivan and John Ireland.    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee' with Barry Sullivan.    Publicity with Barry Sullivan.    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.'  With Barry Sullivan.    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee' with Barry Sullivan.


With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity with John Ireland. (Includes press caption.)    1955 'Queen Bee' publicity with John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity with John Ireland.


With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.


1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity shot by Robert Coburn. With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.


1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity. Shot by Bob Coburn.   1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity by Bob Coburn.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity shot by Bob Coburn.


1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Shot by Coburn.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity by Bob Coburn.    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee' by Bob Coburn.    1955 publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Shot by Bob Coburn.    1955 'Queen Bee' publicity by Coburn.


'Queen Bee' publicity by Bob Coburn.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity (both black/white and color) by Bob Coburn.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity.    Publicity for 'Queen Bee' shot by Bob Coburn. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Shot by Bob Coburn. (Thanks to Susanne for the photo.)    1955. Publicity for 'Queen Bee.' Shot by Bob Coburn.


1955. 'Queen Bee.'    With Barry Sullivan.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Barry Sullivan.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity.    1955. 'Queen Bee' screen shot.


1955 publicity for 'Queen Bee.'    1955. 'Queen Bee.' Lucy Marlow at right.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' Lucy Marlow at right.    With Betsy Palmer and Lucy Marlow.


With Lucy Marlow.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Lucy Marlow. (Includes press caption.)    With Lucy Marlow and riding crop.   1955. 'Queen Bee.'


1955. 'Queen Bee.'    1955. 'Queen Bee' film still with the back of Lucy Marlow.


1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee' screen shot.    With John Ireland.    With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland. (Includes press caption.)


With Ireland, Sullivan, and Betsy Palmer.    1955. 'Queen Bee' with Barry Sullivan. Film still shot by Coburn.    1955. 'Queen Bee' with John Ireland (left) and Barry Sullivan.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland and Barry Sullivan.

1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Lucy Marlow.    1955. 'Queen Bee' publicity.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' (Note the heels, though she's coming out of the tub!)    1955. Queen Bee.    1955. Queen Bee.

1955. 'Queen Bee' film still.    1955. A 'Queen Bee' film still.

1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Lucy Marlow.    1955. Queen Bee. With John Ireland and Lucy Marlow.    With Lucy Marlow and John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    With John Ireland.

1955. Film still from 'Queen Bee.'    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Betsy Palmer.    With Betsy Palmer in 'Queen Bee.'


1955. 'Queen Bee,' with Lucy Marlow.    1955. 'Queen Bee.'    1955. Queen Bee. With Lucy Marlow. A screen shot of the big slapping scene.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Lucy Marlow and Barry Sullivan.


Screen shots from 'Queen Bee' with Betsy Palmer.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Lucy Marlow.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' Two screen shots.    With Lucy Marlow (far left).


1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Barry Sullivan.    With Barry Sullivan.    1955. Queen Bee. With Barry Sullivan.    With Barry Sullivan. Autographed by both.


1955. 'Queen Bee.' With Barry Sullivan. (Includes press caption.) Shot by Kornmann.    With Barry Sullivan and John Ireland.

1955. A 'Queen Bee' screen shot with John Ireland.    'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.    1955. 'Queen Bee.' With John Ireland.

1955. Promoting 'Queen Bee' in Memphis.    1955. Joan in Jacksonville, Florida's Roosevelt Hotel, promoting 'Queen Bee.' Also on this page, her car arriving in Jacksonville.    1955. Promoting 'Queen Bee' in St. Louis.




Misc. 1955 Images


1955 publicity.    1955 publicity.    1955 publicity.

1955. Receiving the Golden Shutter Award from the LA Press Photographers Association.    1955. Receiving the Golden Shutter Award from the LA Press Photographers Assoc.    1955. Receiving the Golden Shutter Award from the LA Press Photographers Assoc.   1955. Receiving the Golden Shutter Award from the LA Press Photographers' Association.    1955. Receiving the Golden Shutter Award from the LA Press Photographers Assoc.

October 1955 at Los Angeles Ice Follies with Christina. Three candids.    1955. With Christina at the Los Angeles Ice Follies.    1955 with Christina at the Los Angeles Ice Follies.    1955. With Christina at the Los Angeles Ice Follies.    1955 with twins Cathy and Cindy.

1955. With Debbie Reynolds.    Circa 1955. With Sonny Shepherd.    Circa 1955. With Joan Castle Joseff of Joseff jewelry.

At the 1955 Academy Awards party, with Humphrey Bogart.    At the 1955 Academy Awards party, with Humphrey Bogart.    February 1955 with Walt Disney. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    February 1955. Oscars party with Walt Disney.    February 1955. With Walt Disney. Includes press caption RE Disney's Oscar nominations.    February 1955 with Walt Disney.

Feb. 13, 1955. With Mike Silverman at Romanoff's.    Feb. 13, 1955. With Mike Silverman at Romanoff's.  ('Gawd. Al, can we get married already so I won't have to go on any more of these bad dates?!')    May 1955. With realtor Mike Silverman at a Beverly Hills Hotel party.

May 10, 1955, marriage certificate of Al Steele and Joan.    May 10, 1955. Joan and Al at the Los Angeles airport, on the way to Las Vegas to be married.    5/10/55. Just married to Al Steele. At the Flamingo Hotel in Vegas.    May 10, 1955. Joan and Al in Las Vegas on their wedding day.    5/10/55. Just married in Vegas.

May 10, 1955. Just married in Vegas.    May 10, 1955. Just married in Vegas.    May 10, 1955. Newlyweds in Las Vegas.

May 1955. With new husband Al Steele.    May 11, 1955. Newlyweds arrive in Los Angeles.     May 11, 1955. Back in Los Angeles after marrying Al Steele.    May 11, 1955. Back in Los Angeles after Vegas elopement with Al Steele.

May 11, 1955. Newlyweds in Los Angeles.     May 11, 1955. Newlyweds.     May 11 in Los Angeles.    May 11, 1955, in Los Angeles, the day after their Vegas wedding.    1955. Four newlywed candids with Al Steele from an unknown magazine article.

May 11, 1955. Joan and Al in Los Angeles.    May 11, 1955. Newlyweds in Los Angeles.    May 11, 1955. Newlyweds in Los Angeles. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    May 11, 1955. In Los Angeles with new husband Al Steele.     May 11, 1955. Back in LA with husband Al Steele after their May 10 wedding in Vegas.

May 26, 1955. More cake for the newlyweds on the SS 'United States.'    May 26, 1955. On the SS 'United States' before sailing for the honeymoon. With Al Steele.    May 26, 1955. With Al and Chicago socialite Evelyn Echols. (Thanks to Susanne.)    May 26, 1955. On the SS United States, with Al and Evelyn Echols. (Thanks to Susanne.)


May 31, 1955. Trouble in France.     June 5, 1955. Honeymoon in Paris.    June 5, 1955. Honeymoon in Paris. (Al's sweet.)    June 5, 1955, in Paris.


1955 at the Vatican. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    June 1955. In Capri on her honeymoon. (Thanks to Bryan Johnson.)    June 21, 1955. Honeymooning in Capri. Four different press edits of same photo.    June 1955. In Capri with Al Steele.


June 1955. At a press conference in Rome with new husband Al Steele. (Includes press caption.)    June 1955. Honeymoon in Rome with Al Steele. Includes press caption.    June 1955. In Rome with husband Al Steele.    June 1955 in Rome with husband Al Steele.


July 18, 1955. Back from the honeymoon.    July 1955 with husband Al Steele, back from their honeymoon.    1955 in Los Angeles with new husband Al Steele.    1955. Back in Los Angeles after the honeymoon.    Circa 1955. 

1955. Small newspaper clipping with new puppy Camille.    October 1955. With Al Steele and Jackie Cooper in Hollywood.    October 1955. With Jackie Cooper and Al Steele in Hollywood.    1955 with Jackie Cooper and dog Cleo in Hollywood. (Includes press slug.)

October 1955 in Hollywood with Jackie Cooper.    1955 with Jackie Cooper in Hollywood.    1955 with Jackie Cooper.    October 1955. At a Hollywood event with George Burns.


1955, in Memphis.    1955, in Memphis.    November 1955. Two candids reading to kids at the Southside Day Care Center in St. Louis, Missouri.    1955. With Al Steele and Board of Trustees of Chicago's La Rabida Children's Hospital.    May 1955 at a Columbia party honoring Joan. With exec, left, and husband Al Steele. (Includes press caption.)    November 1955 with former president Truman at a New Orleans lunch hosted by the Natl' Federation of Temple Brotherhoods.


November 1955 in Miami Beach.    November 10, 1955. Miami Beach.    November 10, 1955. Miami Beach.    November 1955. At a Miami, Florida, children's hospital.

December 1955. Two shots at an NYC Actors Studio benefit with Jayne Mansfield.    December 1955. At a NYC Actors' Studio benefit with Jayne Mansfield and Hope Hampton. Click this link to see 3 photos.    December 1955. Joan with Jayne Mansfield and Hope Hampton at a NYC benefit for the Actors' Studio. Click this link to see 3 photos.    December 1955. At a NYC Actors Studio benefit with Hope Hampton and Jayne Mansfield.    December 1955. Actors' Studio benefit in NYC.

December 1955. With Helen Hayes at the Actors' Studio Benefit. NYC premiere of 'The Rose Tattoo.'    December 1955. Actors' Studio Benefit at premiere of 'The Rose Tattoo' with Helen Hayes.    December 1955 with Al Steele at the NYC Actors' Studio benefit.


December 11, 1955. The family arrives at Grand Central Station in NYC, prior to departing for their European vacation.     December 11, 1955. Joan and entire family at Grand Central Station, about to embark for Europe.     December 11, 1955. At Grand Central Station with the kids.    1955. With Earl Blackwell.


A 1955 family portrait.     With the family on the 'Queen Mary.'    1955. With husband Al Steele and Christina aboard the 'Queen Mary.'


Christmas 1955 in Switzerland.     December 1955. Joan and Al in St. Moritz.     December 1955. St. Moritz.     1955. With new husband Al Steele. Unknown location.     New Year's Eve, 1955. Joan throws a party for writer Paul Gallico, pictured here with his daughter.



The Best of Everything

Images 1954    •    Images 1955    •    Images 1956