The Best of Everything
Books Related to Joan Movies
Click on a link to go directly to the book description and/or picture.
Above Suspicion (novel, Helen MacInnes, 1941) All the Brothers Were Valiant (novel, basis for Across to Singapore; Ben Ames Williams, 1919) The Best of Everything (novel, Rona Jaffe, 1958) The Caretakers (novel, Dariel Telfer, 1959) Craig's Wife (1925 George Kelly play publication; basis for Harriet Craig) Daisy Kenyon (novel, Elizabeth Janeway, 1945) Dancing Lady (novel, James Warner Bellah, 1932) Dream of Love (movie tie-in novelization) The Duke Steps Out (novel, Lucian Cary, 1929) Flamingo Road (novel, Robert Wilder, 1942) The Gorgeous Hussy (novel, Samuel Hopkins Adams, 1934) Grand Hotel (novel, Vicki Baum, 1929: German "Menschen Im Hotel") Humoresque and Other Stories (Fannie Hurst, 1919) I Saw What You Did (see Out of the Dark) Johnny Guitar (novel, Roy Chanslor, 1953) The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (movie tie-in novelization, unknown author, 1937) Laughing Sinners (see Torch Song) Letty Lynton (novel, Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1931) Mildred Pierce (novel, James M. Cain, 1941) Mildred Pierce (screenplay and essays, Albert J. LaValley, ed., 1980) Montana Moon (movie tie-in novelization, Donald H. Clewton, 1930) Not Too Narrow...Not Too Deep (novel, basis for Strange Cargo; Richard Sale, 1936) Old Clothes (movie tie-in novelization based on story by Willard Mack, 1925) The Only Thing (novel, Elinor Glyn) Our Blushing Brides (French movie tie-in: "Coeurs impatients." Simone Albinet, 1933 + 1931 Danish tie-in.) Our Dancing Daughters (US and UK movie tie-in novelizations, Winifred Van Duzer, 1928; French movie tie-in, 1930) Our Modern Maidens (French movie tie-in) Out of the Dark (novel, basis for film I Saw What You Did, Ursula Curtiss, 1964) Paid (movie tie-in novelization, 1930, plus info on earlier editions and play) The Queen Bee (novel, Edna Lee, 1949) Rain and Other Stories (W. Somerset Maugham, 1921) Sadie McKee (Spanish movie tie-in novelization) The Shining Hour (Spanish movie tie-in novelization) Spring Fever (French movie tie-in novelization) The Story of Esther Costello (novel, Nicholas Monsarrat, 1953) Strange Cargo (see Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep) Sudden Fear (novel, Edna Sherry, 1948) Susan and God (3-act play by Rachel Crothers; published in book form, 1938) The Taxi Dancer (1931 book version, by Robert Terry Shannon, of 1927 film; story initially serialized in 1926 by Shannon) Today, We Live (based on 1932 short story "Turn About" by William Faulkner) Torch Song (3-act play by Kenyon Nicholson; basis for 1931 film Laughing Sinners; published in book form, 1930) Twelve Miles Out (French novelization) The Understanding Heart (novel, Peter B. Kyne, 1926) What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (novel, Henry Farrell, 1960) When Ladies Meet (3-act play by Rachel Crothers; published in book form, 1932)
Above Suspicion Helen MacInnes (her first novel)
Originally published 1941 (New York: Little, Brown and Company)
Triangle Books movie tie-in edition (above left) 1943; Pocket Books paperback (above center) 1942; Dell paperback (above right) 1963)
2014 "Leaves and Pages" blog review. reader reviews. publishing info.
All the Brothers Were Valiant Ben Ames Williams (his first novel) Originally published 1919 (New York: Macmillan). Other 1919 US editions: Grosset and Dunlap, and E.P. Dutton (220 pp.; pictured above left). First UK edition 1920 (London: Mills & Boon).
US movie tie-in edition, re-titled Across to Singapore, 1928 (pictured above right)
Project Gutenberg complete text. Wikipedia book info. publishing info.
Above: New York and London hardcovers.
Above: UK and US paperbacks.
The Best of Everything Rona Jaffe
Originally published 1958 (New York: Simon & Schuster); UK first pub 1959 (London: Jonathan Cape). Paperbacks pictured above: UK Pan Giant (left) and /US Pocket Books (both 1959).
Notes: US HC, 437 pages. Author Jaffe herself appears on the cover, in front of NYC's Rockefeller Center (see above). The book was completed in 5 months and 5 days, and 20th-Century Fox bought it before it was even edited. It made the NY Times best-seller list on 9/21/58, two weeks after publication.
Wikipedia book info. 2011 Guardian book review. 2005 NPR book review. reader reviews.
Above: Jacket of both 1959 US and 1960 UK hardcovers.
Above: Three US Signet paperback covers. Years unknown, but cover prices are, from left, 75 cents, 95 cents, and $2.25. Below: UK Corgi paperback (same cover for various '60s editions)
The Caretakers Dariel Telfer Originally published 1959 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 404 pp.); UK first pub 1960 (London: MacDonald).
1926 publication of Kelly's Pulitzer-winning play (Little, Brown and Company). Basis for Joan's 1950 film, Harriet Craig.
Daisy Kenyon: An Historical Novel 1940 - 1942 Elizabeth Janeway Originally published 1945 (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co.); US movie novelization 1948 (New York: Triangle Books, 241 pp.); PB 1947 (New York: Pocket Books) Kirkus book review. Elizabeth Janeway Wikipedia entry. Below: 1945 ad for the novel. Click to see larger image.
Also serialized in the Saturday Evening Post (v. 204, nos. 44-49) over 6 weeks, from 4/30/32 thru 6/4/32.
Movie tie-in novelization.
Click here to read a 2022 review by Tom C. on this site.
Above left: 1942 original Putnam's hardcover. 342 pp. Above right: 1946 Grosset & Dunlap reprint hardcover.
Above: 1951 Bantam Giant (US) paperback front and back covers. Below (from left): 1957 Bantam PB, 1957 Bantam Giant PB, 1961 Corgi (UK) PB, 1975 German PB.
Flamingo Road Robert Wilder
Originally published 1942 (New York: Putnam's). Reprinted 1946 (New York: Grosset & Dunlap).
From the 1946 Grosset & Dunlap reprint front flap: Scandal smears the closing chapters of this modern Florida novel. It is not a pretty story. On the contrary, it is as realistic as custom permits. There is much here of political intrigue at its slimiest, of vice, of human weakness at its worst. And yet, because of Lane Ballou, the carnival girl around whom the storm gathers, and because of the honesty with which Mr. Wilder tells her story, Flamingo Road is possessed of a dignity and power which makes it an important novel. reader reviews. Robert Wilder Wikipedia entry. Killercoversoftheweek blog.
The Gorgeous Hussy (1934, Houghton Mifflin) Samuel Hopkins Adams (Pictured: Left: 1934 Houghton Mifflin title page. Right: 1936 Grosset & Dunlap novelization cover.)
Grand Hotel Vicki Baum German novel "Menschen Im Hotel" (1929). First published in U.S. as Grand Hotel (1931, Doubleday, Doran & Co.). US film novelization by Grosset & Dunlap (1932). US Dell PB (1958). The 1929 German novel was the basis for the 1931 play and the 1932 movie starring Joan. Vicki Baum Wikipedia page. 2016 review. reader reviews.
German newspaper ad for 1929 novel.
Below: 1932 US hardcover film novelization (Grosset & Dunlap)
Below left: 1940 US Triangle hardcover. Below right: 1958 US Dell paperback.
Above: 1919 stories by Hurst, and 1920 photoplay. Below: 1946 movie tie-in edition.
Humoresque: A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It Fannie Hurst Stories originally published March 1919 (New York: Harper & Brothers) 1920 photoplay edition (New York: Harper & Brothers; 43 pp.). From 1920 Cosmopolitan silent film featuring Alma Rubens. 1946 US movie tie-in edition: The World Publishing Company (Cleveland and New York): A Forum Motion Picture Edition (333 pp.)
Hurst Wikipedia page. info. info.
Above left: 1953 Simon and Schuster hardcover. Above right: 1954 Hale (UK) hardcover.
Above left: 1954 US Pocket Books PB cover. Above right: Pocket Books foreword by Joan.
Above left: 1954 Elmo (Italy) PB. Above right: 1975 Heyne (Germany) PB.
Johnny Guitar Roy Chanslor Originally published 1953 (New York: Simon & Schuster). Published in UK 1954 (London: Robert Hale). US Pocket Books PB, 1954.
From the 1954 UK (Hale) front flap: The false fronts of the gambling-houses in Powderville, Wyoming, were no more false than those worn by Johnny Guitar, and the girl known as Vienna. Johnny was a gentleman-turned gambler; his front that of a roving guitar-troubador. Vienna ran a notorious rendezvous. They said she was The Dancing Kid's girl and rode with Lonergan's Bunch. She said she didn't like men; she liked only money. But lynch-law and love sat in on both their games, and when the chips were down they had to drop their masks and play their cards the way they fell. This thrilling and original novel of love and action has been filmed, starring Joan Crawford. page. Kirkus book review. Roy Chanslor IMDb page.
Above: 1930 uncorrected proof title page from Heinemann, and 1931 US Cape & Smith hardcover. Below: Novelization covers from Spain, Denmark, US.
Letty Lynton Marie Belloc Lowndes Originally published 1931 by Heinemann (London; 344 pp.). Published 1931 in US by Cape & Smith (New York; 388 pp.).
Above: 1941 US (Knopf) hardcover, and 1943 UK (Hale) hardcover.
Above: US (World Publishing Company) 1944 hardcover and 1945 movie tie-in hardcover.
Above: US Penguin paperbacks: 1946, 1947, 1948.
Above: UK Pocket Book paperback (1950), UK Ace paperback (1958), and US Signet paperback (unknown year).
Above: US Bantam paperback (unknown year)
Mildred Pierce James M. Cain (his third novel) Originally published 1941 (New York: Knopf). Published in UK 1943 (London: Robert Hale). US movie tie-in 1945 (Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Co.)
James M. Cain Wikipedia. Kirkus book review. Complete Review. Tipping My Fedora blogspot.
"A product of
the Warner Brothers Film Library of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, this
book offers students, researchers, and aficionados insights into individual
films that have never before been possible. This screenplay is the final
shooting version including revisions made during production."
Montana Moon (movie tie-in edition, 1930) Donald H. Clewton World Wide Publishing Co. (New York). 187 pp.
Above: US hardcover (1936, Simon and Schuster) and UK hardcover (1936, Cassell). Below: US paperback (1950, Popular Library), and UK Corgi paperbacks (1965 and 1971).
Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep Richard Sale Basis for 1940 movie Strange Cargo. First published 1936 in the US (Simon and Schuster). 1936 in the UK (Cassell). US Popular Library paperback (1950). UK Corgi paperbacks (1965, 1971).
Kirkus Reviews (2/17/36): An unexpected sort of book -- fits no grooves of classification -- hard to place, hard to indicate sales possibilities. But here goes... There's a symbolic character -- a spiritual force that dominates the book, which is the story of nine men who escape a penal colony in the Caribbean -- and of this man, the tenth. There is strange adventure, there is a pervading sense of the supernatural, there is a sort of terrorism, a brutality -- and yet never does the author lapse into the lewd or salacious. The book might be characterized as a strange blend of Mark Van Doren's The Transients & They Shoot Horses, Don't They? A book that might ride to popularity on the crest of curiosity, but that seems more likely to achieve a critical success, with a certain sort of snob appeal. Watch it.
The Bystander (UK, 1936): In Not Too Narrow Not Too Deep (Cassell 7 s. 6 d.), Mr. Richard Sale takes a well-known theme and places it in a new setting. Ten men escape from a French penal colony - regular toughs, they are: murderers, smugglers, spies, and " rapists." With them travelled an eleventh man. His name was Jean Cambreau, but who he was and where he came from no one knew. He was " a strange sort of guy. Sort of compelling motivated by something terrific." The result is that by the time these hard bitten convicts regain their freedom, they are " changed " men. They have learnt that in reality each of them " lies in a grave that is too narrow and too deep. They can't get up and come out of it. The grave is humanness." I am not very susceptible to uplift myself, but this book held me by its 'matter-of-fact' tone. It is written with admirable directness and economy of words, rather as if it were a cold narrative of events that have actually occurred. This, I understand, is Mr. Sale's first novel. I shall certainly look out for his next.
Richard Sale Wikipedia page. blog.
Click here to read a 2022 review by Tom C.
Novelization based on story by Willard Mack
Description: Paperback from "Popular Plays and Screen Library" series. 188 pp. Photos of the players on front and back covers, with 3 glossy b/w film stills inside.
(Reviewed by reader Tom C. on the Reviews page.)
At left: (1933, Jules Tallandier--France) Simone Albinet Description: 96-page movie tie-in, with 30 photos inside.
At right: 1931 Danish novelization.
Our Dancing Daughters (1928 US
movie tie-in novelization, Grosset & Dunlap)
Winifred Van Duzer Description: 211 pages. Based on the photoplay by Josephine Lovett and
illustrated with scenes from the MGM Picture. Not that Diana Rand was not little. The distance from the sharp edges of
the highest heels ever worn on Main street to the topmost curl at the crown of
her arrogant young head measured exactly five feet. But when anyone ventured to
address her as "Half Pint", "Small Change", or "Demi Tasse" she was likely to
toss back "Be yourself! I'm nineteen, I guess!" Then she would flash her gamin
grin and rush out to have another lift put on the high heels.
Our Dancing Daughters (1928 UK
movie tie-in novelization, Readers Library)
Winifred Van Duzer
Out of the Dark (Basis for film I Saw What You Did) Ursula Curtiss Hardcover originally published 1964 by Dodd, Mead & Co. ("A Red-Badge Mystery Novel"). Ace paperback also 1964.
Ursula Curtiss Wikipedia page.
Paid Movie tie-in novelization, 1930 (New York: Grosset & Dunlap). Photoplay based on 1912 play "Within the Law" by Bayard Veiller. Novelization by Marvin Dana and Veiller. Below left: A 1913 novelization based on the 1912 play (New York: H.K. Fly). Below right: A 1923 novelization released in conjunction with the Norma Talmadge movie (New York: Grosset & Dunlap).
1912 Broadway play Within the Law info. Author Veillor info. Dana/Veiller novelization complete text from Project Gutenberg.
Above: 1949 Appleton-Century-Crofts hardcover. Below: 1950 Bantam PB, and 1966 Bantam Gothic PB. The Queen Bee (Edna Lee) Hardcover first published 1949 by Appleton-Century-Crofts (New York). US Bantam paperback, 1950; US Bantam Gothic paperback, 1966. Originally serialized in 3 parts in Woman's Home Companion (May-July 1949).
Kirkus Reviews (8/1/49): The story of an avid female, this tells of general and assorted bitchiness of Eva as revealed by her orphan niece, Jennifer. Jennifer comes to Eva's home in Georgia after the death of her parents, and at first taken in by Eva's smooth performance, gradually recognizes the venomous life her aunt is living. She sees what a wreck Eva has made of her husband, Beauty, in her insidiously insulting behavior, how she has mangled the emotions of her two children, thwarted Beauty's sister, entangled the man she loves. Jennifer's growing love for Beauty draws Eva's fire and helps Beauty fight his alcoholism but when Eva drives his sister to suicide he is at last fully aroused and kills himself and his wife. A tale of popular appeal, as was her earlier The Web of Days (which reached a million copies) even though it nearly overbalances in its unbelievable exaggeration of the central character. reader reviews. Edna Lee IMDb page.
Above: 1932 Grosset & Dunlap movie tie-in edition.
Above: April 1921 "Smart Set," in which "Miss Thompson" ("Rain") first appeared.
Above: 1921 publications of The Trembling of a Leaf, US (Doran) and UK (Heinemann).
Above: 1946 Avon hardcover and 1951 Dell paperback.
Rain and Other Stories (movie
tie-in edition 1932, Grosset & Dunlap)
Somerset Maugham Book originally published in 1921 as The Trembling of a Leaf: Little Stories of the South Sea Islands (USA: Doran and UK: Heinemann) "Rain"
story originally published as "Miss Thompson" in the April
1921 issue of The Smart Set magazine. Complete "Rain" story from The Literature Network. Wikipedia entry for "Rain" ("Miss Thompson") story. 2016 story review from My Maugham Collection. W. Somerset Maugham Wikipedia entry.
Above: US Knopf 1953. Below: Left -- UK Cassell 1953. Center -- UK Cassell movie tie-in 1957 (click to see larger photos/text). Right -- UK "The Book Club" edition.
Below: Left -- US PB (Pocket Books, 1954). Rest -- UK PBs (various years).
The Story of Esther Costello (HC published 1953: Knopf in US and Cassell in UK) Nicholas Monsarrat (Monsarrat book covers and info) Monsarrat Wikipedia page
Sudden Fear (1948) Edna Sherry. Top row: US paperback 1952. 2nd row: France, Ditis, 1952, movie tie-in. And an Italian novelization.
Originally a 3-act play that ran on Broadway (Plymouth Theatre) for 288 performances (Oct. 7, 1937 to June 10, 1938). Published as book in 1938 (NY: Random House).
Crothers Wikipedia page. Crothers page.
(1931: A.L. Burt Co., New York/Chicago. A reprint of earlier Edward J. Clode version.) From biblio-com: This novel about a rural Southern girl, trying to make it in on her own in New York, who can only find work as a paid dancing partner in a "dancing academy" -- which leads to her getting involved with (successively) a gambler, a dancer, and a millionaire -- was first published as a syndicated newspaper serial beginning in May 1926. M-G-M knew surefire movie material when they saw it, and by the beginning of June it had already been synopsized by the studio's story department; a full scenario was completed by September, and the resulting movie was ready for release by the following March....[A]part from its original newspaper serialization, the only other time this novel appeared in print was four years after the [1927] movie, in an edition by the minor publisher Edward J. Clode, of which this A.L. Burt edition was a cheap reprint. (And just so we're clear: this is *not* a photoplay edition, and in fact makes no reference at all to its earlier publication or to the existence of the movie; I guess it's possible there was some link to it provided on the dust jacket, but alas it ain't here.) So when you look at the entry for the film in the AFI Catalog, and wonder how a 1927 movie could have been based on a "1931" novel -- now you know. Oh, and by the way, the book in any edition is quite scarce: as of this writing, OCLC records only three institutional copies of the Clode edition, and just two of the Burt printing.
Click here to read a 2022 review by Tom C. on this site.
Today, We Live William Faulkner The 1933 Joan film was based on the short story "Turn About" by William Faulkner that originally appeared in the March 5, 1932, issue of The Saturday Evening Post. The story was subsequently published in Faulkner's short-story collection Doctor Martino and Other Stories (1934, NYC: Smith and Haas). Full text of "Turn About." Film contract info. Movie and story from engineering perspective (University of Houston).
Above: March 5, 1932, issue of The Saturday Evening Post in which "Turn About" story first appeared. Below: 1934 Faulkner short-story collection in which story "Turnabout" first appeared in book form.
1930 3-act play that was basis for Joan's 1931 film Laughing Sinners. The play ran on Broadway (Plymouth Theatre) for 87 performances, from August 27, 1930, through November 1930. Published as book in 1930 (NY: Samuel French).
Above: Cosmopolitan dustjacket and hardcover. Below: Grosset & Dunlap title page.
The Understanding Heart (Peter B. Kyne) Published in the US in 1926 by both Grosset & Dunlap (374 pp.) and Cosmopolitan Book Corp. Illustrations by Herbert M. Stoops. Serialized in Cosmopolitan magazine (March - September 1926).
Kyne Wikipedia page. Text of entire book from
Above: 1960 hardcover; 1962 movie tie-in PB; Penguin Classics PB. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Henry Farrell Originally published 1960 (New York: Rinehart and Co.). Paperback editions: 1962 (New York: Avon/Holt, Rinehart and Winston); Penguin Classics (year unknown). Wikipedia novel page. Wikipedia Farrell page. reviews.
Originally a 3-act play that ran on Broadway (Royale Theatre) for 173 performances (Oct. 6, 1932 to March 4, 1933). Published as book in 1932 (147 pp; NY: Samuel French).
Crothers Wikipedia page. Crothers page.
The Best of Everything