The Best of Everything
Joan Crawford Magazines: D Dallas
Morning News • The Dance • Das
Magazin • Das
Theater • Dawn
• Daytime TV Stars •
Eastman Theatre • Ecran • El Cine • El Dia • El Hogar Y La Moda • El Suplemento • Elokuva-Aitta • Entertainment • Entertainment News
• Entertainment
Weekly • Epoca
• The
Era • Estrellas
Below: Click on underscored article titles to read the transcript. |
(Germany) |
Das Theater (Germany) 1928. |
Dawn (US) May 1928. That's Joan to the right on an inside page of this issue. I included the cover at left just for interest's sake. |
De Film (Holland) March 1929. |
De Film (Holland) January 20, 1935. No.33. |
De Film (Holland) March 27, 1938. |
Des Moines Register Sunday Magazine (Iowa, US) Nov. 18, 1945. "Joan Crawford Puts ItThis Way-- 'I've Just Begun to Star.'" |
De Stad (Belgium) No. 26. Sept. 11, 1931. |
Diavase (Greece) December
1936. |
Die Junge Dame (Germany) Jan. 14, 1934. Other
known issues of July 22, 1934. No. 29. |
Die Junge Dame (Germany) February 7, 1937. No. 6. |
Die Junge Dame (Germany) Oct. 21, 1937. No. 43. |
Diez Minutos (Spain) June 11, 1962. |
Eastman Theatre Magazine (Rochester, NY) Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 1928. Vol. III, No. 52. |
Ecran (Chile) Nov. 1934. |
Ecran (Chile) 1943. |
Ecran (Chile) Aug. 10, 1943. No. 655. |
Ecran (Chile) Aug. 26, 1947. No. 866. |
Ecran (Chile) May 29, 1951. Other known issues of Ecran featuring Joan: Nov. 1947. |
El Cine (Spain) 1928. No. 853. |
El Cine May 1929. |
El Cine 1932. |
El Cine July 14, 1932. 24 pgs. |
El Cine Feb. 16, 1933. 20 pgs. |
El Cine Feb. 1933. |
El Cine 1933 (month unknown) |
El Cine July 13, 1933. 22pgs. |
El Cine May 1934. ("Dancing Lady" mentioned on cover.) |
El Cine May 17, 1934. No. 20. (More expensive special edition of the magazine, featuring "Dancing Lady.") |
El Cine March 1935. |
El Dia Grafico (Spain) April 24, 1930. |
El Dia (Spain) Aug.
8, 1937. No. 239. |
El Hogar y La Moda Dec. 1944. |
El Hogar y La Moda May 1945. |
El Hogar y La Moda Sept. 1947. |
El Suplemento (Argentina) Sept. 13, 1933. |
El Suplemento (Argentina) March 7, 1934. Vol. XV, no. 555. |
El Suplemento (Argentina) March 1935. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1933. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1933. No. 18. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1940. No. 3. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1946. No. 13/14. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1947. No. 20. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1949. No. 17. |
Elokuva-Aitta (Finland) 1957. No. 1. |
Entertainment Dec. 4, 1933. |
Entertainment News (Riverside, CA; US) Jan.
18, 1935. Vol. 2, No. 3. |
Entertainment Weekly (US) Jan. 27, 2017. No. 1450. Feature on the Ryan Murphy 8-part-anthology FX TV series Feud, starring Jessica Lange as Joan and Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis during the making of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Other Entertainmant Weekly issues featuring Joan: May 7, 1993. "Joan of Arch." June 11, 1993. "Mementos Dearest." Christie's auction and Lypsinka collection.
Estrellas (Argentina) March 1955. |
Eva's Films Romaner (Denmark) 1931.
#83. 72 pgs. |
Eva's Lille Films-Roman (Denmark) 1937. #150. The Bride Wore Red. |
Evdomas (Greece) July 1930 |
Evdomas (Greece) April 1935 |
Eve (France) July 14, 1929 |
Evening Graphic (NYC) April 7, 1928. |
Evening Graphic (NYC) June 11, 1932. |
Everybody's (US -- a syndication of UK version) August 7, 1938. Sunday supplement. (Click photo to see larger image.) |
Everybody's (UK) Jan. 2, 1954. |
Excelsior (Italy) July 4, 1929. No. 28. |
Excelsior (Italy) Nov. 28, 1929. No. 49. |
Excelsior (Italy) March 1933. Supplement. |
Excelsior (Italy) Sept. 20, 1933. 16 pgs. |
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (US) October 20, 1928. |
"D" articles only
or no cover photo yet available: (Click on underlined articles to read.)
Nov. 22 and Nov. 25, 1963: 3 articles around the time of the Kennedy assassination. Jan. 1928. Vol. 9, No. 3. "Joan Crawford: A Dancing Delegate to Hollywood." Sept. 1930: "The Mirror of Her Selves."
"E" articles only
or no cover photo yet available: (Click on underlined articles to read.)
July 22, 1931. Vol. 1, No. 13. 16-pg. weekly UK newspaper supplement. March 1952. Vol. 2, No. 3. "I Chose a Wonderful Family." |