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All original Encyclopedia text, from A to Z, is copyright © 2004 - 2025 by Stephanie Jones
The Best of G
The two had an on-again/off-again affair between 1931 and his death in 1960. MGM publicist James Merrick said of their relations: I don't think sex was the main attraction, but they probably did all right in that department. Joan was an outlet for Clark; he could talk about his problems and she'd listen and offer the right comments and usually the right advice. Not that she was one of the boys, but outside of Carole [Lombard] she was the only person who really got through to him. A lot of us thought they'd marry, and I think they came close a couple of times, but it's probably a good thing they didn't. It wouldn't have worked, any more than her other marriages worked, because she was stronger than he was, and Clark knew he had an image to protect. The only time he made any detrimental comment on their relationship was when he told me that "Joan swings more balls than I do." (CWJC) Said Joan in CWJC: Clark and I were both from middle-America, both peasants by nature, not too well-educated, and so frightened and insecure we felt sort of safe and home again when we could get together. We both had a built-in bullshit alarm system, and we were surrounded by the stuff, but the only times we could really talk about it, and laugh at what went on, was when we were together...We simply gave each other courage... Clark was a wonderful man. Very simple, actually, pretty much the way he's been painted. He was more of a womanizer than the studio wanted to admit, but any relationship he entered into was honest--no false hopes, no bullshit. He outgrew his first two wives and he felt terribly sorry for the breakups. Aside from Carole and, for different periods, me, his hunting and fishing and drinking and out-with-the-boys flings meant more to him than women. And no matter how offhand he seemed about it, his career meant more than anything else. He always worried about not having studied more, about being a personality, not an actor. This was silly, because he was a damned good actor, and it wasn't his fault that his looks and his personality dominated the screen the way they did... I still wonder what would have happened if we'd married, but I'm glad we didn't. What we had between us was so special...when he went a part of me did too, and as much as I loved Alfred [Steele, her last husband], that part was never revived.
Born Greta Gustaffson to a working-class family in Stockholm, a teenaged Garbo appeared in 2 feature-length Swedish films before being discovered by MGM's Louis B. Mayer and brought to Hollywood in 1925, along with her mentor, director Mauritz Stiller (soon dumped by MGM). Her third MGM silent film, 1927's Flesh and the Devil (co-starring her longtime on/off lover John Gilbert), made her an international star, known for performances that were both sensually and spiritually evocative. From 1928 thru 1932, she was among the top money-makers for MGM and remained their highest-paid female star until her 1941 retirement from films.
Though her US domestic box-office returns fell off post-1932 (when she attempted to focus more on historical/literary personages rather than exotic vamps), she was a foreign box-office smash and a critical favorite until her retirement, garnering three Oscar nominations (1930, one nom for both Anna Christie and Romance; 1936 for Camille; and 1939 for Ninotchka), as well as NY Film Critics Circle Best Actress awards (Anna Karenina, 1935, and Camille), and National Board of Review Best Acting awards (Camille, Ninotchka, and Two-Faced Woman, 1941). In 1954, Garbo was awarded an Academy Honorary Award "for her luminous and unforgettable screen performances." In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Garbo fifth on its list of the greatest female stars of classic Hollywood cinema.
Garbo died of pneumonia and kidney failure in Manhattan in 1990, leaving an estate worth about $66 million in 2021 dollars to her niece. Her ashes are interred in Sweden's Skogskyrkogεrden Cemetery.
Joan and Garbo co-starred in one film together, 1932's Academy Award-winning Grand Hotel, although they didn't share a single scene.
Joan in Portrait of Joan:
In Grand Hotel I was just sad that Garbo as the renowned ballerina, Grusinskaya, and I, Flaemmchen, the little whore-stenographer, had no scene together. We frequented Grand Hotel, but in different worlds. We frequented different worlds at the studio as well. Miss Garbo worked days and left at five; I came to work at six and shot all night. One evening I was just starting to the set when she came up the stairs to her dressing room. I was with Jerry Asher and I literally shoved him into a corner and followed him into it so we would both be out of her way... There suddenly above me was that beautiful face with those compelling eyes...
As for what happened next... See this site's Live at Town Hall transcript page, where fan-girl Joan excitedly re-lives their brief encounters---the same encounters more staidly recalled in POJ. (Joan obviously had a crush on the bisexual Garbo, whose known male lovers included Gilbert, conductor Leopold Stokowski, novelist Erich Maria Remarque, photographer Cecil Beaton, and financier/Valentina-husband George Schlee; and female lovers: writer Mercedes de Acosta, actress Louise Brooks, and actress Mimi Pollak.)
[Editor's Note: In the mid-'80s in Austin, Texas, and not yet out of the closet, I worked at the campus library and was in love with Garbo's face after reading Walker's book about her. In those pre-digital days, the only Garbo films I could find around town were Anna Christie for VHS rent from a video store and Grand Hotel on VHS in my college library (where I sat upright in a very uncomfortable hard chair and watched on a tiny 12- x 8-inch screen). After seeing both, I forgot all about Garbo and was stunned by Joan in GH---but, I lectured myself, you can't keep falling in love with these dead actresses... At any rate, '87 is the year that my Joan obsession began, directly as a result of finding Garbo so terribly wooden, and Joan so vibrant and alive, in GH. So, thanks, GG, for being a gateway drug!---SJ, 2022] IMDb page. TCM page. Wikipedia page.
In the 1972 book The Image Makers, Joan was quoted as saying about this period:
I loved gardenias. I wore gardenias everywhere. I had great bowls of gardenias all over my house. But unfortunately Id have to throw them away about an hour
(The association between Joan and gardenias was strong enough that decades later, in the 1971 grand guignol film What's the Matter with Helen?, Debbie Reynolds' character receives the flower from an admirer and exclaims, "Oh, gardenias! Joan Crawford's favorite!" Also, check out Joan's 1956 movie Autumn Leaves to see a vendor selling gardenias outside a movie theater.) Thanks to James for the book excerpt and Helen quote and to Jon for the Autumn Leaves reference.
...over the years I've heard and read so many stories about the way Judy Garland was so badly treated at Metro she ended up a mess. I did not know her well, but after watching her in action a few times I didn't want to know her well. I think her problems were caused by the fact that she was a spoiled, indulgent, selfish brat--plus a stage mother who had to be something of a monster, and a few husbands whose egos absolutely dominated hers. There were times when I felt sorry for Judy, but there were more times when I thought, "For Christ's sake, get off your ass!" ...[but] when she put her mind to it, she was good. And I mean damned good. Even in her silly pictures she came off.
Garson, Greer. MGM star, up for an Oscar for The Valley of Decision the same year (1945) that Joan won for Mildred Pierce. Garson was part of the "British Invasion" of Hollywood after WWII started, and Joan saw her as a rival for good parts at MGM. (CWJC) The two co-starred in '41's When Ladies Meet.
A crew member on the set of Four Walls said: The kisses shared by Crawford and Gilbert were sizzling. We all knew it and were rooting for her not only as a dramatic actress but to rival Garbo, who was ruining Gilbert's life. We thought Joan was clever enough to be discreet if Jack were led properly. He hadn't been happier in a long time. Though he and Joan couldn't get enough of each other when the camera was rolling, he didn't follow through. (CM) Said Joan about their relationship: Our chemistry on-screen may have been pretty hot--let's face it, as a couple we were pure sex, I think the first time that ever really came across with one of my leading men--but there was nothing face-to-face, person-to-person, when the scene was over. To be honest about it, Jack seemed too flibbertigibbety intense for my taste. I don't mean he was in any way effeminate--indeed, he was "all man." But he never stayed put, so to speak, you never felt he was giving you his entire attention. Oh, he was in love with Garbo, yes, at the time, but it was something else, too. I think it was narcissism. He seemed to be mostly in love with himself, with the effect he was producing. I used to feel sorry for him because he didn't have a mirror--a big one--handy to catch his every mood and look. I for one wanted a man who gave me his complete attention. Maybe Greta got that--I certainly didn't! (EB)
IMDb info. Golden Silents page. Wikipedia page.
Born Harris Augustin Gilmore in Iowa, Gilmore appeared with Joan in three silents: Sally, Irene and Mary (1925), Paris (1926), and The Taxi Dancer (1927). (Pictured at left: On the set of Sally; a shot that appeared in fan mags publicizing the couple's dancing skills.) After 21
films in his brief 7-year Hollywood career ('25-'31), Gilmore sporadically
took on stage work, appearing in 8 plays from 1931 through 1943
(with a 7-year gap between '33 and '40). His last credit is a 5-day
run in an unsuccessful 1943 revival
of Susan and God
(originally a hit 1937 play, then a 1940 Joan movie). IMDb page. Wikipedia page. IBDb page. Find a Grave page.
Virginia Graham Wikipedia page.
Joan was nominated for 3 Golden Globes: In 1952 for Best Actress in Sudden Fear; and in 1954 and 1969 for the Cecil B. DeMille Award. She received the DeMille award on February 3, 1970, for the year 1969. See this
site's Awards
for a close-up of her Golden Globe and more info.
Gordon, Annette. Neighbor of Joan's in New York City's Imperial House building. Gordon lived in apartment 23-G. In the early 70s, Joan wrote her the following note: Dear Mrs. Gordon. We are doing public service recordings and all we can hear is your daughter's yelling and tantrums. Is there no way you can control her? We would be so grateful if you would at least try. Why not try central park -- where she could draw a crowd?
I was in Joan Crawford's last two pictures...made in England. She was still a star here; she commanded respect and leading roles. Miss Crawford was every inch a star, yet despite the dozens and dozens of motion pictures she'd headlined, she still retained a vulnerability [and] a desire to please...In this country, we don't have, or at least didn't used to have [in the late sixties], the tendency to make jokes of older women or relegate them to the dustbin once they pass fifty.
Said Joan in CWJC: Eddie Goulding was a mystery to me, but a pleasant one. He came on very strong sometimes, very self-effacing at other times, but he got what he wanted. Like Curtiz, much later, and Preminger, for that matter, I think he had a film running in his brain all the time he was shooting, and he wanted to duplicate that film, frame by frame, as it was shot. I always felt that he saw the completed picture before it was filmed. interview with Goulding biographer Silents Are Golden info IMDb info Wikipedia info
Granlund, Nils T. A legend in New York City radio by 1924, when Joan met him backstage while she was appearing in "The Passing Show." Known as "NTG," he was considered the first DJ, the first Ed Sullivan; recordings were first broadcast on his show; and he pioneered the use of advertising to pay for air time. In addition to his talk and radio shows, he also packaged cabaret and floor shows, having 13 shows running in 1924 as well as owning some of the clubs he booked the shows into. (Barbara Stanwyck, Claire Luce, and Ruby Keeler were veterans of his shows.) Early in 1924, Granlund and singer Harry Richman opened their speakeasy Club Richman, which became an upscale sensation. After their backstage meeting, Joan tearfully begged him for a job at the club, claiming a sick ma she had to care for; he hired her as a featured Charleston dancer for $50 a week and became her mentor-slash-sugar daddy, eventually introducing her to MGM's Marcus Loew and insisting he set up a screen test for her. When several screen tests were rejected by committee in MGM's California base, Granlund personally called Metro producer Harry Rapf and asked him to sign Joan. (JB)
On one of my first movies I was a kid playing hopscotch in the park. I fell down and cut my knee. Before my own mother could get to me, Miss Crawford ran, picked me up, took me into her trailer, cleaned my cut and gave me some chocolate. She did all this without publicizing it or telling anyone. I don't care what anyone says, she had to have had a decent side to her to do what she did for me for no reason other than to help a child who was hurt. Besides, she was dead when that book was written. She wasn't around to defend herself.
Great Day page (includes 2002 essay by Sandy McLendon on why the film not released)
Griffin, Merv. Joan appeared on the U.S. program The Merv Griffin Show at least 16 times, according to the IMDb: 3/7/63, 7/19/65, 11/10/65, 11/16/65, 3/9/66, 4/5/66, 4/26/66, 6/28/67, 9/11/67, 2/27/68, 5/6/68, 11/4/69, 1/16/70, 3/21/70, 10/28/71, and 9/26/72.