The Best of Everything

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Index of Encyclopedia Entries


Below is a list of entries for the Encyclopedia portion of this website.

 Click on a link to go directly to that entry.


All original Encyclopedia text, from A to Z, is copyright © 2004 - 2025 by Stephanie Jones.


1952. On the set of 'This Woman Is Dangerous.'



Encyclopedia Listings:    ABC    DEF    GHIJ    KLMNO    PQRST   UVWXYZ




Above Suspicion

Academy Awards

Across to Singapore

Adams, India

Addams Family, The

Addresses of Joan


Adrian, Gilbert


Age of Innocence, The

Aherne, Brian

Airport '77

Albert, Katherine

Alcoholism of Joan

Aldrich, Robert

A-list, The

All Souls Unitarian Church

Altman, Al

Altman Cleaners

Always the Star

Ambassador Hotel

American Cancer Society

American Federation of Radio Artists

American Film Institute

American Women's Voluntary Services

An Actor Prepares

Anderson, Curtis and Anne

Anderson, Maxwell


Andrews, Dana

Angel, Zuzu

Arden, Eve

Arden, Joan

Ardmore, Jane Kesner

Arnold, Edward

Arnold, Eve

Arnold, Johnny

Arthur, George K.

Artisdale, Mrs. Louise

Arzner, Dorothy

Asher, Jerry

Ashley, Lady Sylvia

Astaire, Fred

Asther, Nils

Astor, Mary


Autograph Hound

Autumn Leaves

Ayres, Lew


Bachardy, Don


Bailey, Pearl

Baily, Bernard

Bainter, Fay

Baker, Diane


Balboa Bay Club

Ball, Lucille

Bancroft, Anne

Bankhead, Tallulah

Barbier, Larry

Barker, Betty

Barnet, Herbert

Barry, Don "Red"

Barrymore, John and Lionel

Bartlett, Hall

Bautzer, Greg


Beaton, Cecil

Beaumont, Harry

Beery, Wallace

Bellah, James Warner

Bell Telephone Co.

Bennett, Bruce

Bennett, Constance

Bennett, Lou

Berg, Phil

Bergen, Polly

Bergman, Ingmar

Bergman, Ingrid

Bern, Paul

Bernhardt, Curtis

Bernstein, Elmer


Bertolucci, Bernardo

Best of Everything, The

Billy Smart Circus

Birthdate of Joan

Bisexuality of Joan

Black and White Ball


Blackwell, Earl

Blanding, Don

Blondell, Joan

Bloody Mary

Blue Oyster Cult

Blyth, Ann

Boardman, Eleanor

Bogart Humphrey

Boland, Mary

Boleslawski, Richard

Bond, Justin

Boob, The

Bookplate, Joan's

Borgnine, Ernest

Borzage, Frank

Bow, Clara

Box Office Poison

Brady, Scott

Branch, Dr. William

Brandeis University

Brando, Marlon

Brandt, Harry

Brazzel, Michael

Brazzi, Rossano

Breen, Joseph

Bremen, The

Brian, David

Brian, Mary

Bride Wore Red, The

Brinke, Anna

Brooks, Geraldine

Brooks, Louise

Brown, Clarence

Brown, Johnny Mack

Browning, Tod

Brynner, Yul

Bull, Clarence Sinclair

Buono, Victor

Burke, Paul

Burnett, Carol

Busch, Charles

Bushman, Francis X.



Cagney, James

Cain, James M.

Campbell's Funeral Home

Caniff, Milton

Capote, Truman

Caretakers, The

Carmel (California)

Carroll, Mildred

Carson, Jack

Casa Brasil

Cassin, Billie

Cassin, Henry

Casting Couch, The

Castle, Charles

Castle, William

Catlett, Walter

Chadwick School


Chandler, Charlotte

Chandler, Jeff

Chaney, Lon

Chanslor, Roy


Chelsea Cinema

Childhood, Joan's

Christian Science


Chrysler, Jerry

Cielito Lindo
The Circle


Club Richman

Cock 'n Bull

Cocoanut Grove

Cohen, Herman

Cohn, Harry

Collins, Joan

Columbia Pictures

Considine, Shaun


Conway, Jack

Conway, Tim

Coogan, Jackie Jr.

Cook, Lucille and Nellie

Cooper, Ben

Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Jackie

Corby, Ellen

Cortez, Ricardo

Coward, Noel

Cox, Mitchell D.

Crane, Sharon

Crawford, Cathy and Cindy

Crawford, Christina

Crawford, Christopher

Crazy Crawford

Crothers, Rachel

Crowther, Bosley

Cudahy, Mike

Cukor, George

Curtis, Tony

Curtiss, Ursula

Curtiz, Mike


Daisy Kenyon

Dame Edna

Damita, Lili

Damned Don't Cry, The

Dance, Fools, Dance

Dancing Lady

Dassin, Jules

Davis, Bette

Day, Doris

Day, Marceline

Death Certificate

Deatherage, D. Gary

De Havilland, Olivia

Delano, Jorge


DeMille, Cecil B.


Die Mommie Die

Dietrich, Marlene


Disney Studios

Disney World

Don the Beachcomber

Donlevy, Brian

Dorn, Philip

Dors, Diana

Douglas, Melvyn

Douglas, Mike

Douglas, William O.

Doyle New York

Dozier, William

Dragon Lady, The

Dream of Love

Drury, James

Duane Reade

DuBois, Mitzi

Duke Steps Out, The

Dunaway, Faye

Dupont Show of the Week



Eagels, Jeanne

Earle, Edward

Eddy, Mary Baker

Eddy, Nelson

Edens, Roger

Eder, Shirley

Edwards, Harry

Egan, Richard

Ehrmann, Max

Einstein, Albert

Elizabeth II, Queen

Elizabeth the Queen

El Jodo

Elliot, Lillian

Ellis, Paul

Emerine, Katherine

Emery, Bird, Thayer

Emmy Awards

Engstead, John

Erickson, Leif

Erwin, Stuart

Estrella Inn

Ethan Frome

Eula, Joe

Eunson, Dale

Evans, Joan

Evans, Robert

Evening with Joan Crawford, An




Exorcist, The


Fairbanks, Douglas Jr.

Fairbanks, Douglas Sr.

Family Tree, Joan's

Farnsworth, Philo T.

Fatal Confinement

Faulkner, William

Fay, Frank

Female on the Beach

Ferncliff Cemetery and Mausoleum


Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flagg, James Montgomery

Flamingo Road

Folsey, George

Fonda, Henry

Fontaine, Joan

Ford, Glenn

Ford Startime Talent Scouts

Forsaking All Others

Four Walls


Frank, Robert

Frazier, Brenda

Frederick, Pauline

From Here to Eternity

Frost, David


Gable, Clark

Garbo, Greta


Garfield, John

Garland, Judy

Garson, Greer

Geeson, Judy

General Electric Theater

Gilbert, John

Gilmore, Douglas

Girl Talk

Glyn, Elinor

Goddard, Paulette

Golden Globes

Goodbye My Fancy

Gordon, Annette

Gorgeous Hussy, The

Gough, Michael

Goulding, Edmund

Grand Hotel

Granlund, Nils T.

Grauman's Chinese Theater

Gray, Gary

Grey, Virginia

Great Day

Greenstreet, Sydney

Griffin, Merv

Guilaroff, Sydney


Haines, William


Haldane, Thecla

Hardin, Ty

Harriet Craig

Harlow, Jean

Harvard Lampoon

Hawks, Howard

Hayden, Sterling

Hayes, Helen

Head, Edith

Heflin, Van

Hemingway, Ernest

Hepburn, Katharine

Hesser, Edwin Bower

Hints From Heloise

Hirschfeld, Al

Hit and Run

Hollywood Babylon

Hollywood Canteen

Hollywood Palace

Hollywood Revue of 1929

Home movies

Hope, Bob

Hopper, Hedda

Horoscope of Joan

Horst P. Horst

Hotel Washington

Howe, James Wong


Hurrell, George

Husbands of Joan

Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte

Huston, Walter



Ice Follies of 1939

I Live My Life

Imperial House

Inman, Audrey Davenport

Innocent Eyes

Innocents, The

Ireland, John

I Saw What You Did

It's a Great Feeling

I've Got a Secret



Jack's at the Beach

Jack-o-Lantern Club

Jackson, Michael

Jaffe, Rona

Janeway, Elizabeth

Jewelry of Joan

Johnes, Carl

Johnny Guitar

Johnson, Anna Belle

Johnson, Ray

Journey to the Unknown

Jungle Gardenia


Kamen, Stan

Karate Killers, The

Karsh, Yousuf

Katie Award

Keane, Margaret

Kendall, Donald

Kennedy, John F.

Kerouac, Jack

Koontz, David

Kuan-Yin Porcelains

Kullberg, Rebecca



Lady of the Night

Landais, Alice

Langdon, Harry

Lange, Hope

Lange, Jessica

Last of Mrs. Cheyney, The

Last Will and Testament

Laughing Sinners

LaValley, Albert

Law of the Range

Lee, Gwen

Leigh, Vivien

Leonard, Robert Z.

LeSueur, Hal

LeSueur, Lucille

LeSueur, Thomas

Lettuce, Hedda

Letty Lynton

Lion Squadron

Loew, Marcus

Lombard, Carole

Loos, Anita

Lorre, Peter

Louise, Ruth Harriet

Love, Courtney

Love on the Run

Loy, Myrna

Lucky Number, Joan's

Lunt, Alfred and Lynn Fontanne

Lux Radio Theater




MacDougall, Ranald

Mack, Willard

MacLaine, Shirley

MacMurray, Fred

Maddin, Guy


Main, Marjorie


Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Mankiewicz, Joe


Manners, Dorothy

March, Fredric

Markham, Mrs.

Marlowe, Jo Ann

Marshall, Herbert

Martin, Charles

Martinelli, Enzo

Maugham, W. Somerset

Mayer, Louis B.

McCallum, David

McCambridge, Mercedes

McCoy, Tim

McGuire, Don

McKenzie, Elsa

Medlinsky, Harvey

Memorial Services

Merrick, Jim


Mickey's Gala Premier

Middle Years, The

Midshipman, The

Mildred Pierce

Milestone, Lewis

Miller, David

Millinery Institute of America

Mines, Harry

Miscarriages of Joan

Miss America Pageant


Mommie Dearest

Monroe, Marilyn

Montana Moon

Montgomery, Robert

Montmartre Cafe

Moore, Dickie

Moreno, Rita

Morgan, Dennis

Morgan, Ira H.


Murray, Feg

Murray, Mae

Murray, Nickolas

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Muskoka Lake

My Way of Life



National Film Registry

Negulesco, Jean

Newquist, Roy

Night Gallery

Nolan, Kathleen

No More Ladies

Norconian Club

Novarro, Ramon



O'Brien, Sheila

O'Brien, Tom

O'Connor Donald

O'Hara, Scarlett

O'Neil, Sally

O'Shea, Michael Sean

Oakie, Jack

Oboler, Arch

Odets, Clifford

Old Clothes

One, Two, Three

Only Thing, The

Oriole Terrace

Orr, Mary

Oscar, The

Our Blushing Brides

Our Dancing Daughters

Our Modern Maidens

Owen, Tony





Page, Anita


Palance, Jack

Pally Award

Palmer, Betsy


Parker, Suzy


Parsons, Louella

Passing Show of 1924, The



Pets of Joan

Phone Number of Joan

Pickford, Mary

Pitts, Zasu

Plaza Art Galleries

Poetry by Joan


Portrait of Joan, A

Possessed ('31)

Possessed ('47)

Powell, William

Preminger, Otto

Presley, Elvis

Pretty Ladies

Proud Flesh

Pucci Pants



Queen Bee

Queen Mary

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Quigley, Rita

Quirk, James R.

Quirk, Lawrence J.



Rackmil, Milton


Rainbow Room

Rambeau, Marjorie

Rapf, Harry

Ray, Nicholas

Raye, Martha

Reagan, Ronald


Reed, Rex

Reilly, Trish


Reti, Rosa

Reunion in France

Revlon's Mirror Theater

Robert, Lucerne

Robertson, Cliff

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockingham Academy

Rogers, Ginger

Rolling Stones, The


Romero, Cesar


Rosenquist, James

Ross, Lillian

Royall Lyme

Rule, Janice

Russell, Rosalind


Sadie McKee

Salamunich, Yucca

Salaries of Joan

Sally, Irene, and Mary

Samuel Goldwyn Theater

San Simeon


Scarritt Elementary

Scarwid, Diana

Schafer, A. L. ("Whitey")

Schafer, Natalie

Schary, Dore

Schenck, Joe

Schenck, Nick

Schrebnick, Paul

Scott, Zachary

Screen Guild Theater

Sears, Heather

Sebastian, Dorothy

Secret Storm, The

Selznick, David O.

Selznick, Irene Mayer

Serling, Rod

Seven Springs Press

Sex in Films

Shaw, Peter

Shearer, Norma

Sherman, Vincent

Shields, Jimmy

Shining Hour, The

Shubert, J.J.

Silverman, Fred

Sinatra, Frank

Six, Bert

Sixth Sense, The


Smith, Liz

Smith, Pete

Social Security Number

Somewhere I'll Find You


Spanish Geranium

Spare, Austin Osman

Spielberg, Steven

Spigelgas, Leonard

Spring Fever

Springer, John

Stack, Robert

St. Agnes Academy

Stanislavsky, Konstantin

Stanwyck, Barbara

Steele, Alfred Nu

Stein, Jules

Steiner, Max

Stephens College

Sterling, Ray Thayer

Stern, Isaac

Stewart, Donald Ogden

Stewart, James


St. Johns, Adela Rogers

St. Malachy's

Stokowski, Leopold

Stolen Jools, The

Story of Esther Costello, The


Strange Cargo

Strassfield, Adele

Strickling, Howard

Stromberg, Hunt

Stuttle, Effie H.

Sudden Fear

Sullavan, Margaret

Sullivan, Barry

Sullivan, Ed

Sully, Beth Fairbanks Evans Whiting

Susan and God


Swanson, Gloria



Taplinger, Bob

Tashman, Lilyan

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Robert

Taxi Dancer, The

Tegner, Bruce

Temple, Shirley

Terry, Phillip

Thalberg, Irving

Theatre 80

They All Kissed the Bride

This Modern Age

This Woman Is Dangerous

Thomas, Bob

Three Stooges, The

Tide of Empire

Tierney, Gene

Time, the Comedian

Today We Live

Tone, Franchot


Torch Song

Torrence, Ernest

Town Hall

Tracy, Spencer

Tramp, Tramp, Tramp



Truffaut, Francois

Tryon, Tom

Turner, Lana



Twelve Miles Out



Ultimate Star, The

Understanding Heart, The

Universal Studios

Unkefer, Linn

Unknown, The


Untouchables, The





Valenti, Jack

Valentino, Lou

Valley of the Dolls

Van Doren, Mamie

Van Duzer, Winifred

Van Dyke, W.S. (Woody)

Varney, Carleton

Vaughn, Robert


Veidt, Conrad

Veiller, Bayard

Vidor, King

Vincent, Senta

Virginian, The

Voices Across the Sea

Vollbracht, Michael

Volpe, Nicholas



Wald, Jerry

Walker, Alexander

Walker, Jimmy

Walsh, Florence

Walter, Harvey S.

Walters, Charles


Warhol, Andy

Warner Brothers

Warner, Jack

Wasserman, Lou

Waterbury, Ruth

Waxman, Franz

Wayne, Jane Ellen

Wayne, John

Weatherly, Joan Evans and Kirby

Webb, Clifton

Weiss, Milton

Welles, Orson

Wellman, William

Welton, James Barratt

Werblin, Sonny

Westman, Nydia

Westmore, Monty

West Point

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

What's My Line?

When Ladies Meet

Whiting, Jack

Wilding, Michael

Wilkerson, William R.

Williams, Frances

Williams, Van

Willinger, Laszlo

Winners of the Wilderness

Winter Garden Theater

Winter, Keith

Winters, Shelley

Within the Law

Wolper, David

Woman's Face, A

Women, The

Women's Lib

Wood, James Madison ("Daddy")

Wood, Sam

Viviane Woodard Cosmetics

Woolf, James and John

World's Fair

Wray, Fay



X-Rated Movie, The



Yates, Herbert J.

"Yes" Face

Yordan, Philip

Youmans, Vincent

Young, Elizabeth

Young, Ernie

Young, Gig

Young, Loretta

Young, Robert

Young, Victor

Young, Waldemar

Young Woodley

Youth Dew



Zane Grey Theater, Dick Powell's

Zanuck, Darryl

Ziegfeld Follies

Zinneman, Fred

Zucco, George

Zugsmith, Albert

Zwaaf, Manny




The Best of Everything