The Best of Everything
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All original Encyclopedia text, from A to Z, is copyright © 2004 - 2025 by Stephanie Jones
The Best of I
Follies of 1939 • I
Live My Life • Imperial
House • Audrey
• Innocent
Eyes •
(unmade film) •
Ireland •
Says Joan in CWJC: Christ. Everyone was out of their collective minds when they made "Ice Follies." Me, Jimmy Stewart and Lew Ayres as skaters--preposterous. A dancer I am, a skater I'm not; whenever I couldn't fake it or use a double I skated on my ankles. Nice music and costumes, and the Shipstad ice people helped, but it was a catastrophe. The public thought so, too.
Imperial House. Joan's NYC home from 1967 until her death in 1977. The Imperial House was built in 1960 on the former site of the New York Foundling Hospital. It has 30 floors and 378 apartments. It was converted to a co-op in 1971.
Joan lived in the 9-room apartment 22-G from 1967 to September 1973. The apartment cost @ $500,000. Click here to see interior shots and to read Joan's description from My Way of Life and designer Carleton Varney's description. Also included on this page is a floor plan of the apartment and color photos of how it looked when put on the market for $5.5 million in 2007.
From September 1973 until her death in May 1977, Joan lived in the 5-room apartment 22-H, which cost $85,000. Click here to see interior shots and to read the accompanying Architectural Digest text, as well as Joan's reaction to the 1976 magazine article and designer Carleton Varney's description of the apartment and the magazine shoot.
Inman, Audrey Davenport. Helped Joan write her 1971 book My Way of Life. In the book, Joan thanks Inman, "who for several months kept hitting me over my head to make me sit down at my tape recorder and finish dictating this book... My head is still sore. I appreciate her expertise in organizing it and her persistence in making me edit it."
Internet Broadway Database info.
Innocents, The. Unmade film for which Joan was in negotiations with producer Charles Isenberg at various points during 1963-64. (Not to be confused with the 1961 film of same name starring Deborah Kerr.) Click here to read 5 pieces of communication re the film between Joan and Isenberg.
Ireland, John. (1/30/14 - 3/21/92) Joan's co-star in Queen Bee ('55) and I Saw What You Did ('65). According to "QB" co-star Betsy Palmer, he and Joan "whooped it up" a bit on the set and on occasion couldn't be filmed because they'd been up so late the night before "boozing and balling." IMDb info. Excerpt re Joan from Ireland's unpublished bio.
I've Got a Secret. Joan appeared on this CBS game show in October 1961 and May 1963. See this site's TV: 1960s page for more info.